Welcome to the cmotion Reseller Survey!
Company details
Lead sales contact information
To ensure you are not missing out on any important reseller information or offers, please confirm the contact details for your company’s lead sales representative for cmotion products.
company name *
Your representative for cmotion (name) *
also known as:
representative`s email *
contact number:
Marketing activities for 2018
In order for cmotion to help support and reward you for your marketing activities, we invite you to select (from the list below), which activities you will be focusing on during 2018. At the end of the year, cmotion will then invite you to invoice us for ‘marketing support’ calculated at 1% - 3% of your annual cmotion sales. This can then be used against orders / stock purchased at the beginning of the following year.
Please let us know your planned actions for 2018
If other, please specify:
Sales / marketing contact information
To ensure that everyone in your company who is involved is cmotion sales or marketing is receiving the latest information, please provide additional contact details below.