Connects UDM-1 to Universal Motor Controllers and LCUBE CUB-1. Length: 1.5m/5ft.
CBUS ARRI UDM (Le m8p, Le m4p) 0,8m (2' 7)
CBUS cinetape-cable (Le m8p, Le m6p) 0,8m (2' 7). Connects the cinetape to the cvolution camin.
ARRI UDM Anton Bauer (AntB 2p, Le4p ) right-angle plug 0,8m (2' 7)
CBUS cinetape-cable (Le m8p, Le m6p) 1,1m (Le m8p right Angle Plug)
CBUS-CINETAPE-CBUS Y cable (2 x Le m8p, Le m6p) 1m